Varemærke ANACONDA
Remo One™ - continuous rolls

Remo One™ - continuous rolls

Foam tape with removeable adhesive on one side. Removeable adhesive on one side, permanent on the other. Supplied on a continuous roll. Ideal for longer pieces or including in kits.

rekv. nummerDimensionerroles in the packpris/emballage / stk.pris/stk
TykkelseBreddeLængde (m)
4714440,812,7972 pc85 DKK133 DKK
4714460,825,4936 pc163 DKK255 DKK
4714471,612,7940 pc92 DKK144 DKK
4714491,625,4920 pc176 DKK275 DKK

Prices are without VAT. If specified order number, please, it will add it to the selected type of goods. We will be glad to send you any quantity. In case of large subscriptions, please contact us.

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