Varemærke ANACONDA
Connection nut

Connection nut

This product is not for sale! Binding material.

Zinc Plated

rekv. nummerThreadNut length (mm)for woodStk.i pakkenpris/stk
OSPMAW100001018M61810100,65 DKK
OSPMAW100001324M82413100,78 DKK
OSPMAW100001330M83013100,87 DKK
OSPMAW100001325M102513100,81 DKK
OSPMAW100001730M103017101,4 DKK
OSPMAW100001936M123619102,4 DKK
OSPMAW100002448M164824104,8 DKK
OSPMAW100003060M2060301013 DKK

Rustfrit stål

rekv. nummerThreadNut length (mm)for woodpris/stk
OSPMAW400001018M618105,6 DKK
OSPMAW400001324M824138,3 DKK
OSPMAW400001730M1030179,5 DKK
OSPMAW400001936M12361914 DKK
OSPMAW400002448M12482428 DKK

Prices are without VAT. If specified order number, please, it will add it to the selected type of goods. We will be glad to send you any quantity. In case of large subscriptions, please contact us.

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